Ya’ll know I’m all about traditions! One tradition I’ve done around the Halloween holidays are mummy dogs! They are a cute way to jazz up the tradition pig in the blanket. I’ve seen them all over the television lately! I’m soooo upset that I can’t find old pictures of them. I know I used to have them because they are in one of Bailey’s yearbooks I create. Most people call them Mummy Dogs. It’s a cute activity, and you can make them with your children as well.

1 Pack of hot dogs (we don’t eat pork, and turkey dogs taste more like a pork hot dog than beef)
1 Can Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Take a the pack of hot dogs to use for the “body” of the mummy. You will cut 1/4 of the hot dog from one end to create the “legs”. Then from the opposite end cut about a 1 inch from the top on both sides about 3/4 in for arms. Set hot dogs aside. Open you can of crescent rolls. You will need to cut small strips about 1-2 cm wide for the wrappings. Take the rolls and just wrap them in between your cuts to show the body parts.
Cut down the middle for the legs. I used a pizza cutter, but any knife is easy.
Making memories is most important, we also made some without arms and legs.
We had a blast making these! It doesn’t take a lot, and definitely doesn’t cost a lot. Things like this constantly remind me that it doesn’t have to cost me hundreds for me to create memories that are worth a lasting impression. This was something I could have easily done alone, but because is it’s so simple I want to make sure that she joins me.
You can add eyes by adding mustard to them. The mustard bottle I was using had a wide tip, so more came out than I would have liked. If you don’t mind them being messy you can also “wrap” the mummy dogs with mustard in between the crescents when they are done, or use ketchup.