I know it's been a minute. And I told ya'll I was going to do better. But if you read my previous blog, you have a better understanding of why. I was dealing with some issues that I had to get a hold of. ANYWAY! In the midst of that I decided it was time to update the entry way. It's never been exactly what I wanted to to be, and I can promise you there are some things I still want to do to it. But here's a look into what it used to look like.
If you know me, you know my love for Target. Well, on a random trip with the family I decided it was time and started shopping lol. I knew that I wanted to add a console table to the area. As I perused through the aisle while my family was doing what they do best (making up noise and acting up like we are in Walmart instead of Target), I found this beauty and knew I had to have her. I'm really into wood tones and darker colors these days. I'm also big on functioning items. We are a shoe free household, so I keep slippers and shoe covers at the entryway for those that may need them. Having drawers was a must for me. With neutral color it allows to me change out accessories easily.
We had an end tablet that was being using to hold all the items that we needed, but I switched it out for this stool that made more sense, especially being helpful to take shoes off and on. As you will see, I needed to add somewhere for guest jackets when showing up. I had extra hooks from the mud room, so I added two above the stool.
When it came to decor, I hopped on the paint and baking soda/baking powder train. And... I loved it. I have plenty of thrifted vases around the house and it was quite a few that have been in boxes over the years. Listen if you want a cheap upgrade this it it. I may do a blog post about it, but it'll probably just be a reel being honest with you. I'm definitely becoming my mom's child because I have so many plants now. She used to joke and say I couldn't keep a plastic plant alive. Before she passed I started getting into them more and more. So plants are now apart of decor around here.
I don't want to make this a long post about an entry so allow me to introduce you to the updated entryway. *applause*

You'll notice that some of these pictures have different decor, these are both the day to day look and the Easter decor.

A great place to sit and put your shoes on or off.

Having a place to put keys, shades, thermometer, and anything else.

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